TooteDr. Paul Toote is a physician, philosopher, thought leader, author, speaker, husband, and father. Dr. Toote has spent more than 25 years in the study of success, personal development, and the science of the mind. Throughout his medical career Dr. Tooe has cared for and worked with over 100,000 individuals. This privilege has allowed him to understand what motivates us as individuals at a very personal and basic level. This unique opportunity only served to fuel his curiosity even further. Dr. Toote has dedicated his life to understanding and uncovering what makes some individuals wildly successful, while others spend their entire lives looking but not finding the success they seek. It is his mission to distill the secrets of human success and share this information with as many individuals as he can through his books, speeches, and teachings. Dr. Toote firmly believes that anyone can be successful if only shown how. Read More Read Less
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