Tony Azzi

Tony AzziI am an immigrant kid who grew up between Lebanon and Canada. At some point - in my infinite wisdom - or lack thereof, I decided to go to law school and become a lawyer. Maybe it was personal ambition. Or maybe it was my Lebanese parents giving me thee sole options in life: doctor, lawyer, or failure. It was a toss up.When I wasn't doodling or questioning my existence at my big boy law job desk, I was imagining worlds, their political structures and power struggles, heroes and antiheroes. Safe to say, that part - the serious suit and tie phase of my life didn't last long. Although, I must say, my suit and tie color palette combos were on point. So I started writing down these worlds and, like that episode of the Simpsons where Lisa puts a tooth in a Petri dish with cola and wakes up to it being a full-blown civilization, my worlds began taking on a life of their own. Even when I owned my own business afterwards, I'd find some time in the day to check in on my worlds so I could tell my kids another "chapter" for bedtime stories. P.S. The three of them were the first ever fans of Heirs of No Empire. The story was conceived for them.Half of me is an avid reader of history and political theory, the other half loves a good Sci-Fi novel, the other half is big into comics and the other half still loves 90's and 00s rap music (trust me, the math adds up). Read More Read Less

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