Toni Bergins

Toni BerginsToni Bergins, M.Ed., is an embodiment trailblazer who has taught at the premier holistic healing centers for the last 27 years. She is on permanent faculty at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, and has worked there as a movement artist, dace educator, expressive arts workshop leader, and expert in creating transformational workshops. She has led JourneyDance programs at the renowned Esalen Institute, Omega Institute, 1440 Multiversity, The New York Open Center, Pure Yoga, Blue Spirit and countless others. Since Toni first presented her workshop at the Omega Institute in 2008, JourneyDance has become a yearly event, and is the single most sought-after form taught in Omega's on-campus Movement program, employing 10-plus JourneyDance teachers each season. Toni also writes and creates video content for her website, Read More Read Less

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