Tomasz Fortuna

Tomasz FortunaDr Tomasz Fortuna trained as a psychoanalyst at the Institute of Psychoanalysis in London. He is a member of the British Psychoanalytical Society and the Hanna Segal Institute for Psychoanalytic Studies. He has worked as a psychiatrist in the NHS forfifteen years, and currently he works at the Portman Clinic with adults, children, and adolescents and is in private psychoanalytic practice. He teaches and supervises in the UK and abroad. His professional interests include the relationship between psychoanalysis and the arts, the understanding of severe emotional disturbance, and criminal behaviour. He has published several articles and chapters, and co-authored the book Melanie Klein: The Basics. He was a guest editor of Empedocles, European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication. Read More Read Less

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