Toma FosterMeet Toma, the creative force behind "Sonny Swizzle's Swingin' Time Jump." Hailing from the heartland of Oklahoma, Toma brings to life an exciting blend of musical heritage and storytelling prowess. Her family tree is deeply rooted with both musician and storytellers, so it really comes as no surprise.By day, you can catch Toma in the corporate scene as an Employee and Guest Experience Manager for a prominent movie theatre company. Beyond the cinematic hustle, Toma's all about diving headfirst into new experiences. With a career journey that reads like a choose-your-own-adventure book, she's navigated through many diverse roles and has landed on the greatest part of her journey to date!A night owl by nature, Toma thrives in the late-night creative zone, where her brainstorming reaches peak levels. Her love for writing has been something she's kept to herself for a long time, and while some previous projects might never see the light of day, "Sonny Swizzle's Swingin' Time Jump" is her first project to make its swingin' debut into the literary limelight!Through her stories, Toma hopes to be that spark that encourages you to dream big, embrace adventure, and build meaningful connections. Read More Read Less
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