Tom Larotonda

Tom LarotondaTom LaRotonda has dedicated his life to the investigation of what it means to truly live as a love-centered being in this human experience. While the world encourages us to fortify one's personal identity, Tom's inner-guru lovingly points him in the pposite direction - to be guided only by one's Divine Nature, the True Self Being. His ongoing exploration generates experiences that bring about a deep trust and alignment with that Divine Nature. Tom helps others touch and integrate similar experiences that are unique to their True Way of Being. Tom is an unassuming, caring, and patient guide for anyone committed to breaking the attachment to their personal self-identity. He consistently and lovingly reminds you, via attentive and insightful guided inquiry, of the power of your True Self to be an eternal, limitless, and unconditional expression of Love in the world. Read More Read Less

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