Tom Bijvoet

Tom BijvoetTom Bijvoet came to Canada with his family from the Netherlands in 1999. He studied at Stirling University in Scotland and the University of Amsterdam. He has been the managing editor of De Krant (Monthly Magazine for Americans and Canadians of DutchOrigin) since 2008. In 2011 he founded DUTCH the magazine, to which he still is a regular contributor. He is the co-host of a monthly podcast about the North American Dutch (Dutch the podcast) and is a regular guest host for Toronto radio program The Dutch Touch. Tom is the Canadian correspondent for Dutch public radio program Bureau Buitenland. Tom is regularly invited to speak about the Netherlands and the Dutch in North America. Organizations that have hosted Tom include the Holland Society of New York, Fulton Dutch Days, Holland Christian Homes and Fanshawe College of Art and Design. Tom is a recipient of the Netherlands Luncheon Club Community Service Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Dutch Canadian Community in Ontario and the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada's Best Editorial Concept Award for his work on De Krant. Read More Read Less

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