Todd H Corbin

Todd H CorbinTodd H. Corbin, CPC, is a former multisport student athlete and youth baseball coach, longtime avid runner and sports enthusiast, mindfulness teacher, professional speaker, certified parenting coach, and parent to two teen athletes. Mistakenlylabeled as learning disabled in first grade left Todd with very low self-esteem and many social and emotional scars. As a result, he turned his attention to helping others on ways to use mindful awareness to build self-confidence and resilience, overcome stress and anxiety, and enhance performance. He spent twenty-one years in higher education publishing and was an instructor at Lakeland Community College in Ohio for twelve years teaching courses in stress management, peak performance, communication skills, mindfulness, and meditation.Todd's overall knowledge of mindfulness, stress management, and meditation is extensive. He has been practicing and teaching mindfulness since 1994, integrating the most current research in neuroscience and optimal performance. He received formal training in mindfulness from many of the leading experts and programs in the field. Todd also received personal training in meditation and overall well-being directly from best-selling authors Deepak Chopra and Neale Donald Walsch which led to the creation of a mindfulness-based stress relief curriculum for children/teens taught for three years at The Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad, CA. For more information on Todd, visit his website at Read More Read Less

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Mindfulness for Student Athletes3 % NR
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Mindfulness for Student Athletes20 % NR
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