Toba Singer

Toba SingerToba Singer is the Dance Selector and Senior Program Director of the Art and Music Center of the San Francisco Public Library. She graduated from New York City's High School of Performing Arts and has lived and written in Boston, Baltimore, Wahington, D.C., Richmond, Virginia, and Charleston, West Virginia. She has been a steelworker, chemical refinery operator, presser and sewing machine operator, and airlines worker. Her articles have been published in the Charleston Gazette, San Francisco Chronicle, Dance Magazine, Dance Europe, and Singer produced Dance to Live, Live to Dance and served on the board of Robert Moses' Kin dance company. She studied dance with Svetlana Afanasieva, Nina Anderson, Perry Brunson, Cora Cahan, Jane Dudley, Richard Gibson, Zory Karah, Donald McKayle, Francoise Martinet, Augusta Moore, Gertrude Shurr, and Kahz Smuda. Her son James Gotesky dances with Houston Ballet. Read More Read Less

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