Tina Currah

Tina CurrahTina Currah is a Melbourne-based author, actor, singer, mother and grandmother. She was born with a creative spirit, a love of words and a gift for storytelling which would fast become her greatest lifeline and saving grace.Waking one morning at 2.00am in a mental health facility (fighting yet another battle to stay alive), Tina had words running around in her head that just wanted to get out, needed to get out, HAD TO GET OUT! She opened the top drawer of her bedside chest to reveal a light, some paper and a pen. Then pulled the doona up over her head and the drawer and proceeded, barely conscious. to scribble out the words that were moving so fast she could barely keep up, like a teleprompter on fast forward.When the words finally stopped, she rolled over and went back to sleep like nothing had happened and woke in the morning thinking it was merely a dream.On inspecting the drawer, however, Tina found she had actually written a poem, 'Let Me Be Free'. In this pivotal moment Tina's life changed forever: the floodgates of healing opened, her understanding and acceptance of self, grew and Rainbows in the Dark was born.This autobiographical collection of poetry shares a glimpse into Tina's first thirty years with raw, real, honest, emotional, down-to-earth, candour and relatability.Her unique gift for creating beautiful yet hard-hitting poems has allowed her to translate personal trauma and experiences into an ultimate story of insight, reflection, strength, courage, resilience, faith, love, foregiveness, and hope. Read More Read Less

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Rainbows in the Dark26 % NR
Publisher: Tina Currah
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15 Dec 2023
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