Timmons Pettigrew

Timmons PettigrewTimmons Pettigrew resides in West Ashley with his wife and pets (in that order). His full-time gig is in industrial distribution pricing strategy, but he's also the beer writer for TheDigitel Charleston, a local media aggregator. If you're reading ths, that means he also wrote a book. His status as a beer geek is ironic, considering he's a direct lineal descendant of Pitchfork Ben Tillman. The Lowcountry got a hold of him while he lived here attending College of Charleston. Graduate work in economics at the University of South Carolina pulled him away for a spell, but he came back directly, and there's no place he'd rather live. While visiting Asheville, North Carolina, in November 2006, Timmons drank his first bottle of Weyerbacher Double Simcoe Ale, and he has never looked back. You can read his ongoing local beer coverage at charleston.thedigitel.com, CHSBeer.org and on Twitter via @CHSBeer. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: History Press (SC)
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06 Oct 2011
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