Tim Stoddard

Tim StoddardTim Stoddard, who online goes by the name Gamepopper and is known to his friends as Popper, has been in the furryfandom since 2008. He is recognisable by his Lynx vigilante fursona known by the alias "D," who wears a mask and cape and carriesa rapiersword wherever he goes. Not only has he gone to many furmeets and conventions throughout the United Kingdom and Europe over the years, but he has also been involved in furmeets and conventions as a volunteer and staff organiser.Beginning in 2017, he took an interest in the fandom's history, with a particular focus on his local communities. Since then, he has givenhistory lectures on the furry fandom and furry-themed media at conventions such as ConFuzzled and Scotiacon, as well as written for furrypublications such as Dogpatch Press and Flayrah. As a commitment to his research, he has contacted many furries to record their recollections and traveled to archives to view media about the furry fandom as it was intended, aiming to provide the full story of the furry fandom in the United Kingdom. Read More Read Less

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