Tim Rixen

Tim RixenDr. Tim Rixen is a biogeochemist working on the carbon cycle in the ocean and in tropical coastal ecosystems. He is heading the carbon cycle and nutrient group at ZMT and is teaching at the University in Bremen and Hamburg where he represents the char in Biogeochemistry. He coordinated and participated in various national and international projects and served as a member in international synthesis groups and steering committees. His most recent key publications in the context of the planned books are:
Rixen, T., Baum, A., Wit, F., Samiaji, J. (2016) Carbon leaching from tropical peat soils and consequences for carbon balances. Frontiers in Earth Science 4.
Wit, F., Muller, D., Baum, A., Warneke, T., Pranowo, W.S., Muller, M., Rixen, T. (2015) The impact of disturbed peatlands on river outgassing in Southeast Asia. Nat Commun 6.
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Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems (Spice)13 % NR
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01 Jul 2021
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