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Tillmann J Benfey

Tillmann J BenfeyTillmann Benfey was educated in Canada at McGill University (BSc), Memorial University of Newfoundland (MSc) and the University of British Columbia (PhD), followed by a NATO Science fellowship at the MAFF Fisheries Laboratory in Lowestoft (United Kindom). He is a Professor of Biology and the Director of Animal Care at the University of New Brunswick (Canada) where his research and training programs combine basic and applied studies in fish physiology, thereby allowing his students to develop expertise as scientists and use the knowledge gained to enhance fish performance and sustainability in aquaculture. He pioneered methods for producing single-sex and sterile populations of fish that are used in many countries, and he has been a science advisor to Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the US Food and Drug Administration, and the United Nations (Food and Agriculture Organization & World Health Organization). He has mentored over 100 undergraduate and graduate students, often in collaboration with government, industry and NGO partners, and has served two terms as President of the Aquaculture Association of Canada. His achievements have been recognized by awards from the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (R3 Innovation Award for Excellence in Applied Research) and the Aquaculture Association of Canada (Research Award of Excellence). Read More Read Less

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Aquaculture38 %
Publisher: Elsevier Science
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01 Dec 2020
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