Tifainé HedgecockI am a mum of five children whose ages currently range elementary school to university. I currently live in Switzerland, near the borders of France and Germany; this is our third time living in this region. From 2014-2019 we lived in Shanghai, China.Although my family and I are all British the children have virtually no memories of living in the UK, and in fact the youngest has never actually lived there. I am generally busy and rush about with a head full of ideas for projects and things that I mostly never accomplish because I am a terrible procrastinator. Actually, I am an amazing procrastinator as I've been refining the skill for most of the last 15 years. I like to read and I read a lot. I like spending time with my friends. I like laughing. I cry easily, and it's often not because I'm sad. I like walking. I like science fiction, not so much for the technology (although I love technology and previously worked in the IT industry) but for the framework it gives us to consider world order and explore human character and behaviour when faced with unfamiliar or strange situations. I like the sea. I like sitting outside in a busy spot to watch all the people around me. I like being at home with the people I love. Read More Read Less
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