Tiarra Tompkins

Tiarra TompkinsAuthor, Literary Consultant, and Servant, Lady Tiarra Tompkins, (Also known to authors as The Legacy Architect) has been writing and editing for most of her life. After 15 years in the writing industry, she shifted her focus to serving faith-bsed authors of all genres, and in each her goal is the same. To help create something that will last far beyond this lifetime. A legacy that lives into infinity. Legacy starts with being a servant. Tiarra believes that we all have been called to serve. As an active board member for Bring The Light Ministries, Tiarra uses words and actions to bring awareness to our brothers and sisters who are struggling with finances, addiction, and homelessness. Through her work, Tiarra hopes to help others seem themselves through God's eyes instead of their own. She lives in Texas. Read More Read Less

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God's Grace & Grit26 % NR
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27 Jun 2023
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