Tia Austin

Tia AustinTia Austin loves to read. She currently owns approximately 379 books, only 74 of which she has not yet read. Her love of reading led her to want to write books of her own. She started her first work in high school, got it pretty much finished, then pt it away so no one could read it. She was afraid and embarrassed that she wouldn't be seen as good as real authors.No one had yet read that manuscript, on which she has since made improvements, but she was brave enough to let her father read one of her more recent works, Haven's Key. He loved it. She owes it to him for getting her into the publishing world.Tia has been writing ever since. Haven's Key has become a trilogy, and she has two other books finished that she plans to have published in the next few years, and several others that she is still working on. She hopes to have these books published as well. Tia lives in Northwest Washington, where she loves walking along the rocky beaches and forest trails. She lives with her little dog, Hansel, and is working on getting a BA in elementary education, in hopes of finding a job teaching English Language Arts in her area. Read More Read Less

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