Thomas P Olivo

Thomas P OlivoThomas P. Olivo currently is president of Olivo Associates, an international vocational educational consulting agency and textbook publisher. He was a draftsman and an Industrial Art teacher for several years. Mr. Olivo has taught T&I teachers, as wel as several graduate level courses in Engineering Drawing and Curriculum Development in three major universities. He served as a State Supervisor of Technical Education and has co-authored six textbooks with Dr. C.T. Olivo in the areas of blueprint reading and sketching, applied mathematics and applied physics. He has also authored BLUEPRINT READING AND SKETCHING FOR INDUSTRY and numerous self-paced instructional modules in auto mechanics and carpentry. Thomas P. Olivo was selected as a recipient of the prestigious Experienced Teacher Fellowship Award. He has a Master's Degree specializing in materials and Processes of Industry and has completed two years of professional study beyond his Master's Degree while being certified as a Vocational Counselor and School Administrator. Read More Read Less

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Blueprint Reading and Technical Sketching for Industry59 %
Publisher: Delmar Pub
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01 Apr 1992
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Basic Blueprint Reading and SketchingNR
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Basic Blueprint Reading and Sketching43 %
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