Thomas Knell

Thomas Knell

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A numerical modeling approach for the transient response of solids at the mesoscale.: 21 (Schriftenreihe Forschungsergebnisse aus der Kurzzeitdynamik)
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A Declaration of Such Tempestious, and Outragious Fluddes, as Hath Been in Diuers Places of England. 1570 (1571)25 % NR
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Spiritus Est Vicarius Christi in Terra. the Poore Mans Garden Wherein Are Flowers of the Scriptures, and Doctours, Very Necessarie and Profitable for the Simple Ignorant People to Reade. (1606)NR
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Spiritus Est Vicarius Christi in Terra. the Poore Mans Garden Wherin Are Flowers of the Scriptures, and Doctours, Verie Necessarie and Profitable for the Simple and Ignoraunt People to Reade (1582)NR
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An Answer at Large, to a Most Hereticall, Trayterous, and Papisticall Byll in English Verse Which Was Cast Abrode in the Streetes of Northamton, and Brought Before the Judges at the Last Assizes There, 1570. (1570)25 % NR
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