Thomas J Martinelli

Thomas J MartinelliThomas J. Martinelli, J.D., M.S., has been a practicing attorney for over 30 years and a police trainer for the last 20 years. For years he was an adjunct professor in the Criminal Justice Department at Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, wher he taught criminal justice courses at the undergraduate level. Most recently he was the constitutional law lecturer for a training team, educating police chiefs, leaders and commanders of intelligence units, in the constitutional nuances of the Intelligence Led Policing philosophies, funded by the Department of Justice, through its Bureau of Justice Assistance. Additionally, he studies and writes about police ethics and liability issues, police misconduct and its costs as well as constitutional policing trends. His work focuses mainly on the risk management costs associated with unconstitutional policing and dysfunctional organizational indifference to it. His noble policing block offers best police practices, lessons learned and a mission driven, honor bound mindset that reflects the oath of office all police officers are dutifully sworn to abide by. During his career, Mr. Martinelli has been a patrol officer, union steward, public information liaison, department prosecutor, constitutional law trainer, expert witness and consultant. He has testified as an expert witness in federal civil rights cases, focusing on use of force issues, privacy rights protections, de-escalation training and policy compliance measures. He has authored, or co-authored, a number of articles and research presentations, most of which are related to legal and ethical policing, liability awareness training, privacy protections and civil liberties and minimizing risk in the public sector. He has been a long time committee member of the Police Image and Ethics Committee of the International Association of Chiefs of Police as well as numerous criminal justice associations around the country. He has participated as a subject matter expert on constitutional policing procedures, best practices, lessons learned and successfully policing privacy at national and regional criminal justice conferences. Mr. Martinelli holds a juris doctorate, a master's degree in criminal justice and a bachelor of arts degree, all from Michigan State University. He studied at King's College, Cambridge, England, during his undergrad years and returned to Great Britain for part of his graduate studies in police ethics. See more on his website, Read More Read Less

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Deterring Unconstitutional Policing25 % NR
Publisher: Gatekeeper Press
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26 May 2021
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