Thierry Priem

Thierry PriemDr. Thierry PRIEM, Storage and Flexibility Solution Program Manager at CEA, has an engineering degree from the elite French École Polytechnique and École Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris. He also has a Ph.D in solid-state physics. Thierry Prie has a broad technical and scientific background at CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) in different research fields: material science, new energies, etc. Thierry Priem teaches in several engineering schools and is regularly involved in national and European expert missions. For 4 years, Thierry Priem has been at the head of a service of 60 people involved in new energies (hydrogen and fuel cells, photovoltaics, etc.). He has also an experience in technology transfer and negotiation with industrial partners. Mid-2007, he has been the Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Program Manager within the Direction of the New Technologies for Energy at CEA in Grenoble. In 2014, he joined the Scientific Direction at CEA/LITEN. Since 2020, he is Storage and Flexibility Solution Program Manager at CEA. He is also member of the Board of the FCH-JU2 Research Grouping Hydrogen Europe Research. Read More Read Less

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