Therese Mullings

Therese MullingsTherese's grandfather, Mr. Edward Ellis, could not read or write, but he would sit his granddaughter on his lap every Sunday and read to her from the pictures in the comic strips or story books. The stories were always comical, exciting, funny and enaging, so she fell in love with reading. During her internship as an Early Education Teacher, she was inspired by her first-grade students, who struggled or could not read and had no passion to learn. Her students thought the stories in the selected books were not funny or engaging, or they were too hard to read. She vowed to one day write a children's book that they could relate to, that was easy to read, engaging and funny for all young readers. She hoped that some day young children everywhere would enjoy reading or have a desire to learn how to read like she did as a child from the pictures in the books. Therese Mullings Read More Read Less

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At and Peppermint, the Fat CatNR
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19 Jul 2022
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