Thad R Harshbarger

Thad R HarshbargerAs a teacher and a psychotherapist, Thad Harshbarger's central purpose is to help people define and resolve their own problems in their own ways. He sees himself as the expert on people-in-general and you as the expert on yourself. The work becomes acollaboration between experts, each having a different job, with a common goal of finding ways that you can attain deeper, more consistent, more refreshing sleep.He is an experienced psychotherapist and teacher, skills that he draws on to create Your Sleep Map. His credentials include a BA and MA in philosophy, MS and PhD in psychology, and a postgraduate certificate in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Licensed as a psychologist in New York and Massachusetts, he has been working in private practice since 1976. He served on the faculties of two universities and taught at four others. He also served on the faculties of two postgraduate psychotherapy institutes and taught at an art center (stained glass) and a karate studio (Kenpo).For the past several years, Dr. Harshbarger has been developing the idea of Treatment Maps, which Your Sleep Map exemplifies. The goal here is to help you identify your sleep issues and resolve them as quickly and efficiently as possible. He maintains a personal web site,, and a site related to this book, Read More Read Less

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Fight for Sleep21 % NR
Publisher: Thad R Harshbarger
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28 Feb 2023
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Your Sleep Map21 % NR
Publisher: Thad R Harshbarger
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08 Apr 2022
International Edition
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