Tee Hubbs

Tee HubbsTamyra Tee Hubbs Hubbard is a poet and Christian rap artist that uses creative speaking as an outlet to express her feelings and thoughts. Her two poems, She vs. Me and Scream, both featured on her Rachel's tomb album, have been streamed all across te country. Tee started writing poetry 25 years ago when she wrote her first poem only human for a school project. After a great response from classmates and being encouraged to read it in front of the class she knew that she has found her niche. Over the years she has been embedded in her First ministry, her only son. Her ultimate goal in life was to make sure he stayed in the right path with God. Tee is a free spirit with a slight quirkiness, and likes being, The Weirdo. She boldly lives by stand for something or fall for anything. And T stands strongly for her faith in Jesus. Her favorite scriptures, Psalm 34:4, Philippians 4:6, and Matthew 6:26-34. Read More Read Less

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