Tao LinTao Lin (1983-) is an American poet, novelist and short-story writer. You Are a Little Bit Happier than I amHe is the author of a novel, Eeeee Eee Eeee, and a story collection, Bed, which were published simultaneously by Melville House Publishing in ay of 2007. He is also the author of two poetry collections, you are a little bit happier than i am, which won Action Books' December Prize in 2005 and was published in November of 2006; and cognitive-behavioral therapy, which was published in May, 2008. A chapbook of poetry, this emotion was a little e-book, and a chapbook of stories, Today the Sky is Blue and White with Bright Blue Spots and a Small Pale Moon and I Will Destroy Our Relationship Today, were published by the Internet press Bear Parade in 2006. His forthcoming books include a novella, Shoplifting from American Apparel, to be published September, 2009, and his second novel, Richard Yates, to be published early in 2010. Both books will be published by Melville House Publishing. Lin's work has appeared in literary journals and magazines such as NOON, Nerve, Vice, Esquire, The Stranger, 3: AM Magazine, The Mississippi Review, Bear Parade, The Cincinnati Review, Other Voices, Fourteen Hills, and Opium Magazine. He is the founding editor of Muumuu House, publishing gmail chats, poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, both online and in print. Lin is also a co-editor of the literary press Ass Hi Books with Ellen Kennedy. Read More Read Less