Tanay SawyerI've experienced many healthy and unhealthy relationships in my life. If I hadn't experienced it, I've seen it first-hand. Seeing a lot of pinned up animosity, family unwilling to forgive, selfish friendships and the blame game being played amongst sgnificant others. And I realized there is something to be learned through all of this. At what point did loving relationships turn tumultuous? Was it a collaborative effect? Why are we like this? Is it denial or lack of empathy? Through this journey, I discovered a lot about myself, in addition to others. About who I am at the core vs. who I wanted to be. I needed to self-assess before I could aid in anyone's transformation. As I matured, so did the relationships I allowed into my life and the boundaries I set. It allowed for more understanding communication, instead of constant rivalry. The more I understood myself, the more I wanted to take the time to understand others and their emotional struggles. Now, I understand that all of our emotional turmoil stems from a private source that we sometimes don't want to revisit. Whether it's from hurt, humiliation or anger, we have to go to that place to transform who we are into who we're going to be. That's what will transform how we cultivate new relationships and rebuild the old ones. My vision is to encourage people to develop and sustain healthy relationships of all kind, while learning how to heal for themselves and offer love to others. Read More Read Less
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