Tahira Ismail

Tahira IsmailHealth coach Tahira Ismail is the author of The Secrets of Household Toxins. Her work is focused on gut health and toxin-free living, making the connections between our physical health and the environmental factors that affect it. Tahira has bachelor' degrees in psychology and sociology and certification in Health Coaching. She specializes in gut health and is passionate about helping others improve their health and well-being. As the discourse around gut health builds, she is determined to raise awareness of the influence our environment has on it, an aspect of health that is often overlooked.Tahira's client work has shown her how unaware the majority of people are about the toxins involved in everyday living, and as people make changes to improve their health and well-being, she sees that this is an area that is consistently missed. Tahira is married and has three children who have rapidly turned into young adults. They live with their two cats and love spending time together outside in the fresh air. Read More Read Less

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Secrets of Household Toxins12 % NR
Publisher: Tahira Ismail
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18 Apr 2024
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