Tabitha J Page

Tabitha J PageTabitha Page is an emerging writer who lives in Melbourne, Australia. She left her home country of New Zealand for a land full of new opportunities and new challenges and she found just that, in bucketsful. A trained childcare professional, she holdsa certificate in Child Psychology, a certificate and diploma in Children's Services and has many years of childcare experience. Caring for children with various illness and disabilities, living with her own Autoimmune disease and with her love for writing, Tabitha decided that sharing her experiences and thoughts was the perfect choice for her and for readers. A writer, book lover, amateur photographer and someone who loves to be creative, Tabitha has self-published a calendar of original quotes and images and shares quotes, poems and images via her social media. She spent the better part of 18 months writing for an online review website and has been published in the 'Toy Chest' 'Sea Shanties' and 'X and the pony' children's anthologies. She also has work due to be published in 'Celebrations' 'Warriors' 'Valentines' and 'Colours' anthologies by Prints Charming Books. Tabitha has a children's picture book (self-published) coming out in 2018 and has written other picture books, all have at least one character with a challenge/illness/disability. With these books, she aims to inspire and bring about more awareness and acceptance of those who are a little different from the majority, but no less important and special. Read More Read Less

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28 Aug 2024
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