T Blen Parker

T Blen ParkerBIOGRAPHY - T. BLEN PARKERMAINE is her topic, and local history is her passion. She has written about Maine and Swan Island for most of her life, publishing short stories in Goose River's Anthologies from 2012 through today. Cinnamon's Swan Island Adentures on the Kennebec River in Maine depicts from a child's viewpoint how Cinnamon evolved from a very ill child who became healthier and healthier by loving grandparents treating her as if she did not have any infirmities or illnesses. After several years of building up her health while being delivered to several doctors for weekly treatments, and being home-schooled by grandmother, Cinnamon blossomed into a healthy, capable young girl who loved to read and write. Swan Island in the Kennebec - Journey to Sowangen, Island of Eagles invites readers to enter the island world where the village of Perkins was incorporated in the mid-1800s; abandoned in 1936; purchased by the State of Maine and registered with the National Register of Historic Places to become what is now known as the Steve Powell Wildlife Management Park. Dry Sylvester Gardiner's Dumaresque house and Kennebec Proprietor's properties were built there. Visitors to Swan Island may now notice a lone figure sitting in one of the Adirondack chairs near her kayak by the riverside, reading or writing a new book! Read More Read Less

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Cinnamon's Swan Island21 % NR
Publisher: Swan Island Press
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18 Jul 2022
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Swan Island in the Kennebec
Publisher: Goose River Press
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15 Oct 2018
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