Sylvie Deslauriers

Sylvie DeslauriersFor a complete curriculum vitae: EDUCATION - Doctorate in Administration (PhD), 1997, Laval University - Master's in Accounting (MSc), 1989, University of Quebec at Montreal (1st person to receive a diploma of this new progam) - Bachelor's in Business Administration (BAA), 1982, University of Sherbrooke, Canada AWARDS AND DISTINCTIONS 2020 Recipient of the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres (UQTR) Medal. This distinction is awarded to a member of staff or to a retiree, whose career and achievements have marked or have significantly marked the development of UQTR. 2016 Nomination to the circle of excellence of the network of University of Quebec. This appointment recognizes the exceptional contribution of a staff member for the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières. 2016 Recipient of the annual L.S. Rosen Outstanding Educator Award by the Canadian Academic Accounting Association. This award is intended to recognize a major contribution over a sustained period of time through excellence in teaching, publications, educational innovation, research guidance for graduate students and involvement in professional and academic activities. 2016 Recipient of the Howard Teall Innovation in Accounting Education Award by the Canadian Academic Accounting Association. The original learning activities presented to this competition are coming from the book Teaching Tips for Accounting Cases. 2016 Co-writer of the winner case of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association annual French Case Competition. 2015 Recipient of the Howard Teall Innovation in Accounting Education Award by the Canadian Academic Accounting Association. The original learning activities presented to this competition are coming from the book Easy $uccess. 2011 Winner of the annual award of the Quebec Department of Education for her contribution to the volume La comptabilité et les PME (Accounting for SME). 2010 Award of the distinction of Fellow of the Ordre des comptables agréés du Québec (Quebec Chartered Accountants Institute). The distinction formally recognizes members whose achievements in their careers have earned them distinction and brought honour to the profession. 2009 Recipient of the Recognition Award - University Teaching by the Ordre des comptables agréés du Québec (Quebec Chartered Accountants Institute). 2007 Award of the Canadian Forces Liaison Council Provincial Awards in recognition and appreciation of her support to the reserve force. 2003 Winner of the annual award of the Quebec Department of Education for her university studies volume How to read, analyze and write a case. 2002 Award of the Canadian distinction of Fellow of the Corporation of Management Accountants for the exceptional nature of her contribution to the accounting profession. 2001 Recipient of the Teaching Recognition Award, an annual distinction conferred UQTR to one professor. 2000 Recipient of the annual Alan Blizzard prize, conferred on her as a member of the accounting professors' team at UQTR for their exemplary contribution to teaching research and student learning. Read More Read Less

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Comptabilisez vos succès Le guide à la rédaction de cas12 % NR
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