Sylvia Hawkins Little

Sylvia Hawkins LittleDr. Little holds a Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Education from The University of Texas at Austin and a Bachelor of Science from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Currently a semi-retired independent education consultant, Dr. Little ha been teacher, principal, school district assistant superintendent and recipient several Fellowships and numerous awards and honors. Like many historians, she Dr. Dr. Dr Little believes "Black History" is a subject that can interest both black and non-black youth. Both groups can learn about "Blacks" contributions to the development of civilization and history and that neither race, religion, socio-economic status, nor family background hampers their ability to succeed. Black youth can learn about people, like themselves, who have made a difference in the quality of life for others. Read More Read Less

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Thank A Black ManNR
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27 Sep 2022
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