Sylvia Berrevoet

Sylvia BerrevoetMeet, Sylvia Berrevoet, living in Belgium, born in the Netherlands, a mix of Indonesian and European ancestry. She is a mother of three amazing young adults and is happy with her partner for over 25 years. Sylvia had always been this happy-go-lucky grl, who, as a child, did not understand that people would fight, could not find happiness, and would not choose to be joyful. As all children she wanted her world to be whole. Even though she had her own share of pain in her life, thanks to her enormous reserve of positivity, she always found the joy and happiness whenever possible, proving that you can choose joy. And since she started her own journey of inner work, growth and personal development, so much has become clear to her. She loves to share her gained wisdom through coaching with true transformational moments. In October 2021, Sylvia started to write stories for children. With the character Pep the Mammoth the idea is to let children know that connection with nature is important and help them to understand at an early age, how important dreaming is. The stories are in the theme of magical realism. Every story has a rub of real and a touch of magic. With those elements Sylvia is also in a way honouring tribal wisdom. And indirectly she hopes to have parents dream again. Because "Everything on this earth has been created twice. The first time: When you dream it up. The second time: When you create it in reality. If it wasn't dreamed, it will not become reality."After an important tribal quote, she carries in her heart. Another important quote from Sylvia herself: "A change of Perspective is the start of Transformation." This quote is the basis of her company Talent Unlimited (2014). Whether she challenges individuals and teams on behaviour, communication, train the trainer or increasing resilience, for Sylvia it is in that change of perspective and connecting head and heart when changes will occur. The name Talent Unlimited was the right choice: Sylvia could not have known at that moment the vastness of different things she would succeed in - having a poem published, creating books for children and starting an Instagram account to gather like-minded people to send Positive thoughts from the Heart to our Beautiful Planet every Tuesday@Three! Set a fun alarm and just focus for a moment on the positive thought. Done! What became increasingly important is giving back to society, the community, to others - not only during work hours but also by donating to several good causes. Part of the profit of the books will be donated as well. "How are others benefiting from what I am doing?" Became a card on her vision board in 2021, listening to Vishen Lakhiani,, and will accompany Sylvia on all her endeavours. Read More Read Less

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Adventures of Pep the Mammoth 22 % NR
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06 Jun 2024
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Les Aventures de Pep le MammouthNR
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23 Jun 2023
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Adventures of Pep the Mammoth10 % NR
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07 Jul 2022
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Adventures of Pep the Mammoth12 % NR
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28 Jun 2022
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De Avonturen van Pep de MammoetNR
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17 Sep 2022
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