Susan CareyI am an unknown artist and inner voyageur and healer. I wear the badge of failure and self-doubt. I have experienced loss and life's redemptive moments. I am a breast cancer survivor and I walk on artificial hips. And I am an old woman now. I am not guru nor will I ever be. Yet I have found my inner guru. I am learning to listen to her. I am learning to accept her too. Yes, I am even learning to love her, although this I am still working on at my age! I have lived traditional life roles of wife, mother, divorcee, grandmother, teacher, business woman, sale rep., career woman, cancer patient, spiritual seeker, gardener, yoga lover, meditator, but most of all I have created! I have created many things and experiences, with my own conscious knowing and some not really having a clue. I have had my hopes dashed and then revived. I have succeeded and failed. I have loved and hated. I have judged others and myself. I am learning to forgive and let it go. I am learning now to trust in the Divine and in my Inner Self. Somewhere in childhood and adolescence I got derailed. I became not enough. Or I was too much, I am not sure yet. Probably both! I wanted to feel love and to love, so much so that I gave up my power. I suppressed my desires and needs into oblivion. I was what everyone wanted me to be but I was lost to myself. I didn't know how sick I would become, how sick and depressed I truly was. It blew up on me when my body could hold it no more. I had turned against myself and my Soul was hidden away somewhere. I received the diagnosis of late invasive breast cancer as I received all the other life crises I had known... with numbness and denial. It took me 30 days to actually start talking about it with family and friends. Then the terror struck. I couldn't hide from myself anymore. This was the atomic wake up call that I couldn't ignore. I was about to become one of those poor souls who walked around with a bald head! This was 2005 and I am still here. I have survived but more than that, I have healed many issues in my heart. No one else could do that for me. Meditation, journaling, forgiveness, and inner child work, have given me access to an inner consciousness I had once feared. So I am not a therapist or counsellor. I am Humpty Dumpty who had a great fall. I am picking up and putting myself together in new ways! The creation process seems to tap into the broken spaces and pull me towards wholeness. This book is a tool to assist others on their quest for inner Self Healing and Self Growth. Read More Read Less