Susan A Turfle

Susan A TurfleSusan A. Turfle lives in the Mid-Atlantic region of the USA. She has always been an inquisitive and creative soul. Throughout her childhood, she could be found drawing or making things out of what she could scrounge from around her home and outdoors.Taking apart her jewelry box to get to the wind-up movement mechanism to see how it worked and use it for more creative applications was simply what she considered to be normal behavior. Drawing, painting, sewing, cross stitching, working in porcelain clay, writing, metalsmithing, and acid staining concrete are some of the pieces that contribute to making up her self-taught creative toolset. She began writing poetry in 2008 and felt a very strong pull to write again in 2020. Once she chose to share her writings, she felt compelled to share her artwork as well. She calls her original book artwork doodlestrations, which results from a cross between doodles and illustrations. Her poems and doodlestrations are for ages 2 to 102! One of her goals in publishing is to cultivate an early childhood interest in learning. Susan weaves into her collection uncommon facts about our environment and the flora and fauna found within to encourage the development of curiosity. To keep things light, she sprinkles humorous and quirky poems throughout her reflective work. When Susan went through the process of deciding upon her publishing name, she focused on what she singularly wanted to accomplish. For her, the most important goal is to make a positive impact - no matter how small or how large and no matter the age. Susan has always been able to picture things in her mind's eye, and when noodling through her goal, she saw ripples. A simple single action that has an effect on someone or something which in turn has an effect on someone or something else and so on. It was through that thought process and visual thinking that Making Ripples Publishing was born. Find additional information about Susan A Turfle on social media and: Read More Read Less

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