Suresha HillSuresha has worked as a holistic health practitioner for over 40 years. Starting out as a School Psychologist specializing in Systems Intervention and Prevention, the neurological deficits in children led her to study the body, neurophysiology, and nuromuscular reeducation. She's taught hands-on practices for over 25 years, given presentations to psychological associations, teachers, parents, and students of somatic education, and worked privately with clients in a variety of settings. Along the way, her own injuries from sports, martial arts, falls, and car accidents led to several head and brain traumas. Her studies then expanded into several additional hands-on modalities including Hanna Somatic Education, Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Osteopathy, and Brain Neurotherapy along with several meditation practices. After working in chiropractic offices and an orthopedic sports therapy clinic, she questioned whether some of the clients being treated for accidents and sports injuries also suffered from concussive forces through the neck and skull that may have healed more easily if the brain injury had also be treated. After an additional series of personal head traumas, her own symptoms began to become so intense as to greatly interfere with daily life responsibilities. At that point, every method available was tried until relief and restoration was on the way. So much learning took place in the process of relieving her own concussions, and so little information was available to the public about how to identify symptoms, diagnose, and treat the delicate brain, the inspiration arose to share what was learned over the last fifteen years of finding effective methods to heal. Read More Read Less