Suresh C Mehrotra

Suresh C MehrotraDr. Suresh Chandra Mehrotra has completed M. Sc. Physics (1970), Ph.D. (1975), Post Doctorate (Welch Foundation Fellow) (1974-75). Now his designation as Srinivasa Ramanujan Geospatial Chair Professor. He is recipient of Career Award, FOM, Alexander on Humboldt Fellowship, F.N.A.Sc. He is a fellow and life member of Indian Physics Association (IPA), Indian Laser Association (ILA), Indian Science Congress Association, and IETE. He has also been awarded with Best Teacher Award from Maharashtra (MS) state. More than 239 research papers are published in reputed journals and conferences, and 5 books to his credit. He has organized 7 conferences/workshop and seminar as Chairman/Convener. He has successfully completed Eight Research Project. His fields of specializations are Microwaves Interaction with Matter, Time Domain Spectroscopy Pattern Recognition, Brain Computer Interfacing, Medical Instrumentation, Human Computer Interface, Speech Processing, Signal Processing, Remote sensing and GIS, Hyper Spectral Image Processing. Read More Read Less

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