Sumer Atasoy

Sumer AtasoyProf. Gocha Tsetskhladze (PhD Moscow, DPhil Oxford) is a classical archaeologist who specializes in ancient Greek colonisation and the archaeology of the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, Caucasia, Anatolia, and Central and Eastern Europe in the 1st millnnium BC. For more than 20 years he has excavated several Greek colonial sites around the Black Sea (in Georgia, Russia, and the Ukraine). He is currently affiliated with the University of Nottingham, as well as the International Hellenic University in Thessaloniki and the University of Bucharest. Prof. Emeritus Sumer Atasoy (PhD Istanbul) is a classical archaeologist and a specialist in museum studies and cultural heritage. He has excavated many sites in Anatolia, including Amisos/Samsun, one of the principal Greek colonies on the southern Black Sea coast. For more than ten years he has been director of excavations at Tios, the only Greek colony in the southern Black Sea not to have been overbuilt. Read More Read Less

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Settlements and Necropoleis of the Black Sea and its Hinterland in AntiquityNR
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