Sue Baker House

Sue Baker HouseThirty years before she wrote this book, Sue Baker House experienced a personal revelation of God's divine romance. She began to search Scripture to verify that her experience was biblical. Prior to that, she understood God loved her as Savior, Lord,Friend, Brother, and Father, but she didn't know Him as Lover. Her quest led her to an even deeper encounter with Jesus in the Song of Solomon.Sue shared with friends what she found in Scripture, and out of that, she birthed years of Bible studies on the Song of Songs and a lifelong passion to draw others into a love relationship with the Lord.She holds a master's degree in biblical studies from True Light College of Biblical Studies and is an ordained minister of the gospel.A retired teacher of exceptional children, Sue sponsored a Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club with middle schoolers for fifteen years. Known as "Miss Sue," she now serves on staff as an Area Representative with FCA for Duplin County Schools in North Carolina, where every week she influences coaches and athletes to follow Jesus.Sue is the mother of Aaron, Caleb, and Rachel-prosperous adults who follow Jesus-and grandmother to Ethan and Ryan, whom she adores. She is close to her brothers, Richard Baker and Isaac Baker. Aunt Sue is very much a part of their families.Sue can be contacted through her website: Read More Read Less

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Song of Songs10 % NR
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Song of Songs7 % NR
Publisher: Bestwine Press
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