Subrata Halder

Subrata HalderSubrata professionally is an Electronics and Telecommunication engineer. Worked mostly in the analytical and biotechnology field where initially his in-depth technical knowledge was the tailwind of success. At a very young age, he became a business lader and has been leading business at the PAN India level over the last two decades for the US-based global MNCs and Indian organizations. This book is an outcome of his own experience blended with his creative thoughts. He explained many aspects and theories which are important to build the required skills of a sales and marketing professional. However, because of his storytelling skill, he explained many critical matters in a very friendly manner without using any critical jargon or definition. Subrata has been writing for the last two decades and has many publications of his short stories and articles in different popular magazines, and blogs. He also won several prestigious awards for his short stories that including the ABP group of publications and awards. A topmost Theatre Group in Bengal "Nata Sena" performed stage shows for over one thousand nights and the play was based on one of the award-winning stories of Subrata. The performances were usually in the most prestigious halls like the Academy of Fine Arts, Rabindra Sadan, Nandan, etc which are the paradise of art lovers in Bengal. As a passionate writer, he writes for his own pleasure, also to spread information and knowledge through his professional articles as well as the content of pleasure through his short stories and novel Read More Read Less

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Think Deep Before You Think BIG12 % NR
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Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets and Soft Computing9 %
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