Stuart Macey

Stuart MaceyStuart Macey's career in the automotive industry has spanned three decades, designing cars and trucks for over thirty brands, in five countries. It began in 1979 with Pressed Steel Fisher, the body division of British Leyland. He moved overseas in 191 as the British car industry slid into a rapid decline, working in Germany as a body engineer on contract for Daimler-Benz and Audi, then moved to Detroit, working for Chevrolet. Returning to Europe in 1983, Stuart worked for International Automotive Design, consulting with numerous clients such as Porsche, Volvo, Honda, Renault, Kia, Opel, Mazda, Ford, Daf trucks and Freight Rover. The experience gained from working in studios across Europe as both designer and engineer, was priceless, helping him to understand that although every brand has its own perspective on design and the process, the basic principles are the same everywhere. In 1991 he returned to the US to work with the Chrysler Design Office in Auburn Hills and their Pacifica Advanced Design Center in California, until it closed in 2008. In 2002, Art Center College of Design invited Stuart to develop the syllabus for their new vehicle architecture class. He currently teaches at Art Center part time, works as a studio engineer for a major auto manufacturer in Southern California and is Principal of Curb Industries LLC. Read More Read Less

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