Stuart J Prior

Stuart J PriorStuart J Prior is Reader in Archaeological Practice at the University of Bristol. His research focuses on medieval archaeology and castle studies, while he also has interests in ancient technology, warfare, and experimental archaeology. He was the diector of the Berkeley Castle Project between 2005 and 2019. Mark Horton is Director of Research at the Royal Agricultural University. He has an interest in field methods in archaeology, especially in extreme and difficult environments. His fieldwork extends to East Africa, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, the Caribbean, Panama, Eastern US, France and the UK. He was the co-director of the Berkeley Castle Project between 2005 and 2019. Konstantinos P. Trimmis is Lecturer in Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Bristol. He is interested in landscape archaeology methods for the study of human societies past and present, and has conducted archaeological fieldwork in Greece, Croatia, and the UK. He was the geomatics specialist for the Berkeley Castle Project between 2018 and 2019 and is currently managing the curation and archiving of BCP data. Read More Read Less

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