Steven Rw Gregory

Steven Rw GregorySteven Gregory studied Egyptology at the University of Exeter and later at the University of Birmingham - but mainly in the surviving monuments of Egypt itself, where the notions forming the basis of this book took shape. The final thesis was developd over a period of some 17 years during which research in the field was punctuated by periods of teaching in both adult and higher education. While teaching at the University of Birmingham the author joined colleagues in founding the student and alumni group, Birmingham Egyptology, and became the first editor of the Birmingham Egyptology Journal. Meanwhile continuing research, focussed on the interpretation of texts and iconography to determine aspects of pharaonic ideology, led to the publication of articles in a variety of academic journals and edited volumes, and the monograph, Herihor in Art and Iconography. Read More Read Less

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Tutankhamun Knew the Names of the Two Great Gods: Dt and nHH as Fundamental Concepts of Pharaonic IdeologyNR
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