Steven B Herrmann

Steven B HerrmannRecognized internationally, Steven Herrmann is the author of William Everson: The Shaman's Call, Walt Whitman: Shamanism, Spiritual Democracy, and the World Soul, and Spiritual Democracy: The Wisdom of Early American Visionaries for the Journey Forwad. In 2015 his chapter C.G. Jung and Teilhard de Chardin: Peacemakers in an Age of Spiritual Democracy was published in Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Carl Gustav Jung Side by Side. He has taught on the subjects of Jung, Whitman, and Melville at the C.G. Jung Institutes of San Francisco, Chicago, and Zürich, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, and on Jung and James at Yale University. Herrmann's expertise in Jungian Literary Criticism makes him one of the seminal thinkers in the international field, and a foremost authority on Whitman, Melville, and now Dickinson in post-Jungian studies. Read More Read Less

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