Steve Wincor

Steve WincorSteven and Maureen Wincor live in San Jose, California and are the owners of Gibson (Grand Champion Dawin Braveheart), and Oakley (MTS Fully Loaded). The book is based on Maya (Champion Sublime and Why Not) and Aiden (Champion Jaset's Justification) ho since the original printing have passed over the rainbow bridge. The Wincor's belong to Furry Friends Pet Assisted Therapy and Alliance of Therapy Dogs, two non-profit therapy pet service organ¬izations. All of their dogs were rehomed from previous owners. They have gone through obedience training and passed the Canine Good Citizen test (Oakley is in the process for her CGC). Their calm and loving-demeanor made them ideal dogs for therapy work. At the time of this writing, Gibson is 4 1/2 years old and Oakley is 3 1/2 years old. Maya and Aiden had over 500 visits doing therapy work, and now Gibson and Oakley have obtained numerous visits in their burgeoning therapy careers. Steve Wincor is a tester/observer with Alliance of Therapy Dogs. He has presented therapy work to many different audiences over the years and explains how it differs from Service or Emotional therapy. Maureen and Steve encourage all people with well-behaved pets to consider undertaking therapy work. Email the Wincor's at for more infor¬mation on therapy dogs Read More Read Less

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