Steve Shuch

Steve ShuchSteve is an experienced healthcare professional with abackground in sports nutrition, nursing, and education. Steve hasdedicated close to twenty years to researching and developing acomprehensive approach to healthcare that prioritizes preventionand verall wellbeing. Even at an early age as a youth athlete andlater in college, coaching youth sports; health and wellness hasbeen a passion for him!With a "Master of Science in Nursing" as well as achieving"Certified Nurse-Operating Room (CNOR)," his years ofextensive research and experiences have shaped his perspectiveon healthcare, emphasizing the importance of mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and financial well-being in achieving overallhealth. Through these years of research and experience, Steveunderstands the significance of lifestyle choices, nutrition, supplementation, and personalized approaches to wellness.Steve is a passionate person and is committed to helpingindividuals reinvent their approach to health and wellness bypromoting a multidisciplinary and holistic view of healthcare.Steve's dedication to educating and empowering individuals totake charge of their health shines through in his everydaydealings, making him a valuable contributor to the field of health Read More Read Less

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P[RE]-INVENT Reinvent to Prevent6 % NR
Publisher: Preinvent Health
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19 Dec 2023
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