Steve Laughlin

Steve LaughlinSteve Laughlin was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, in 1949. He is a graduate from the University of Nebraska, College of Architecture, and has a master's degree from the University of California, Berkeley, College of Environmental Design. A professional achitect in Omaha until his retirement in 2013, he and his first wife Sharon raised three boys and shared thirty-five years together until her death in 2009. He married his second wife, Karen, in 2013, who is a French citizen. Mr. Laughlin now writes and lives part-time in Omaha and part-time in Paris.The Hoop of Life is Mr. Laughlin's first novel, which is a collection of stories inspired by his family life. Also featured in the novel are the Dakota and Lakota people, who Mr. Laughlin came to know through his architectural work. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Black Rose Writing
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16 Feb 2023
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