Steve Chader

Steve ChaderSteve Chader contributed to both The Millionaire Real Estate Agent and The Millionaire Real Estate Investor. He has been investing in real estate since the 1970s with his father and grandfather as his first partners. Since thn, Steve' has partnered with Jennice Doty to build a thriving real estate investment business with both residential and commercial income properties.
Jennice Doty, co-author of HOLD, has been in the real estate industry since 1979. Together with investment partner Steve Chader, Jennice has built a successful career, providing management services for more than 1,000 residential homes and 35 commercial properties.
Launching a longstanding career in real estate investing was not what Jim McKissack, HOLD co-author, had in mind when he and Linda--his wife and investment partner--bought their first investment property in 1991. The first investment was far from successful, but taught them many lessons, which they used to make the property cash flow. Today, Jim and Linda head a real estate enterprise that encompasses 79 single-family homes, 6 commercial buildings, 2 multifamily structures, 6 vacation rental cabins and 5 real estate franchises spanning three states, all with an annual cash flow of more than $1 million.
Linda McKissack is a Realtor, entrepreneur, author, and public speaker who began her real estate career in the 1980s. Linda has built a successful team, which includes her husband Jim, that has sold more than $40 million in volume. The HOLD co-author has also made a career of helping others by sharing her successes in order for them to increase their revenue and grow their businesses.
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