Stephen T Radentz

Stephen T RadentzLife can get pretty screwed up when you're not paying attention. Poor food and medicine choices will eventually destroy your body, then the negativity sets in destroying your mind. Soon you simply give up and accept that life sucks and then you die. t the end of a 12 year opioid addiction, this is where I found myself. I allowed myself to fall apart because I had decided that if this is all life is; a crappy job, just enough money to survive, and of course partying as much as I could. Then what's the point? I accepted defeat and subconsciously decided I would simply medicate myself with drugs, alcohol and processed foods, until it was over.After a while the drugs and alcohol didn't ease the pain, it was simply a habit, and I never felt good. Can you relate? Finally I found myself in the hospital unable to eat. I had bleeding ulcers and for the next 3 months I was unable to eat solid food. I had 2 choices; continue destroying my body and mind, spending my free time in hospitals, doctors offices, and pharmacy linel, or I could change my life. So I decided to change my life. Beginning with a daily fruit and vegetable smoothie, and drinking herbal tea throughout the day, I became healthier. Then I studied natural food and medicine, eventually eliminating synthetic drugs from my life (free date: May 2016)I then learned about our thoughts, and how we control how we feel, we are our thoughts. Realizing that all my negativity was another escape mechanism. I've learned to embrace a challenge, and overcome it, instead of complaining. Then I say thank you for teaching me a lesson, and move on to the next obstacle. Life is simply a series of ups and downs, and we can learn to control the downs so that they are no longer perceived as bad. Then life becomes a series of ups, and giant leaps. The negatives fade away. (this takes a lot of practice, not time) By embracing Nature, Positivity, and Gratitude I have revolutionized my life. I am happy ����, healthy and abundant. Life is still scary sometimes, however I now understand how to overcome the daily challenges, and I am grateful for my experiences.Having created this successful new world I have been overcome with excitement to share what I know. I have become obsessed with helping you live a happier, healthier life, and when we're happy and healthy, abundance flows easily. Later this year I will be releasing my first book: THE HAPPINESS EFFECT, Creating happiness in an unhappy world.The book shares a holistic life program to improve your health, happiness and abundance, by embracing nature, positivity, and gratitude. With scientific facts, observations, and personal stories, you are guided in creating a body-mind-nature connection, empowering you to live your best life. Read More Read Less

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Happiness Effect26 % NR
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01 Nov 2021
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Happiness Effect25 % NR
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01 Nov 2021
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STEPHEN T'S Ultimate SmoothieNR
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10 May 2020
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5 Herbal Tea Blends to Balance your life.NR
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28 Apr 2020
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Medical MarijuanaNR
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08 Mar 2020
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