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Steph Russ

Steph RussSteph Russ studied Journalism at the University of North Carolina. She handles social media for record label Fade to Mind and can often be found behind the bar at Fade to Mind events. Russ has worked as a bartender in music venues, bars, and alternatve spaces for nearly a decade. She is passionate about mixology and creating positive social experiences. Russ currently resides in Los Angeles, where she hosts frequent pop-up bars and elevates parties with her stimulating cocktails. Pete Deevakul was born in Los Angeles, brought back and forth to Bangkok, and ended up in NYC. Deevakul earned his MFA in photography from Yale and is a regular contributor to White Zinfandel, a biannual arts publication. When The Jogging began paying contributors, he was the first to collect $25 for his submission surpassing 5,000 notes. He had an undeveloped, disposable film camera on view at NADA Miami Beach 2012, and has shown his work at W/------, Danziger, and Light Industry in New York and at Black Dragon Society in LA. Commercial clients he's shot for that begin with the letter "B" include Bergdorf Goodman, Bentley, and Baccarat. Read More Read Less

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