Steph Pupura

Steph PupuraTheir journey of transformation is nothing short of extraordinary. Before they met 15 years ago, both of their lives had hit rock bottom. Each was financially, emotionally, and spiritually bankrupt. At the lowest point in their lives, they met and shred a vision of creating a life beyond their wildest dreams. They helped each other to personally evolve, clearing away barriers to self-fulfillment, using the power of perception to change self-limiting beliefs, enabling them to better sense and take advantage of opportunities.
Shortly after meeting, Steph wrote James' first resume and taught him how to send an email. This initiated an unlikely but highly successful career in the technology industry. Fast forward more than a decade, and their personal philosophy around perception had further evolved, along with the rapid growth in their tech company, until its sale gave them the freedom to begin helping others fulltime. With their seminar company, Powerful U, they are now sharing their accumulated knowledge so that personal development can be made affordable and accessible for all seekers.
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Perception: Seeing is Not Believing21 % NR
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